Sinks | Types & Shapes | Pricing & Lead Times
What are the types & shapes available?
Stainless steel sinks are available in many types and shapes. Below are the most common types and shapes:

The Stainless Steel Zero Radius Sink is a simple shape. It is available in custom sizes up to 48″ in length. Due to its simple design this sink does not require much fabrication time. The sink offers clean straight lines that complement new modern kitchen designs. One of the advantages to this design is that there is more volume available inside the sink bowl. The major disadvantage is that the zero radius corners requires periodic cleaning with a small brush.

The Stainless Steel Small Radius Sink is the most popular type we fabricate. It is available in custom sizes up to 30″ in length. This design requires additional fabrication time compared to the zero radius sink since the corners need to be formed into a radius. The advantage of this design is that the corners can be easily wiped clean after use. This eliminates the issue with zero radius sinks.

The Stainless Steel Trough Sink is typically found in high volume areas such as restrooms. It is available in custom sizes and styles. This particular sink is a stand alone unit that is mounted directly to the wall and may have legs for additional support. It offers a large washing area for multiple people. The trough sink is available to be customized with different faucet styles and configurations such as deck mount OR wall mount.

The Stainless Steel Three Compartment (Scullery) Sink is primarily used for commercial heavy duty use. It is commonly found in the dishwashing area of restaurants. This particular sink is free standing with legs, leg braces, and adjustable bullet feet. It offers three deep washing basins to meet local health codes. The three compartment sink is available to be customized with any number of wash basins, drainboard configurations, backsplash size & shape, number of faucets, under & over shelves, and drain guards.